Summary: | Ginger is scientifically known as Zingiber Officinale Roscoe. The herbaceous perennial has been popular in culinary uses and home remedies since thousands of years. This study is focused on oleoresin production as it is the total extract of the natural herb, representing both volatile and non volatile components. One of the advanced technology in extracting essential oils and oleoresins is by using the multi-purpose extractor. In this research, the extractor was utilized to its maximum capability to prove whether it is effective in achieving least residual solvent whilst obtaining a high quality flavor ginger oleoresin within a short limit of time. The best solvent to enhance ginger extraction was also investigated. The process began with extraction of ginger using solvent in the extraction vessel for a varied time limit. Then, the mixture of oil and solvent was pumped to the evaporation vessel where the solvent was vaporized. Finally, purification occurred when the last remaining solvent was separated in the thin film evaporator. Three important processes identified as extraction, distillation and purification carried out batch wisely in a pilot plant ensures the production of a high quality and quantity yield. n-hexane was discovered as the best solvent to improve ginger's extraction time. The highest yield obtained from the lab study was 19.2 m1 and from the Ginger Extraction Pilot Plant was 30.5 ml at 4 hours of extraction time. Apart from being effective, this study might as well discover potential savings in its operational cost.