Summary: | In today's world, one of the fastest and most efficient ways to present information and help is the information super-highway which is Internet.Internet has become one of the largest sources of information worldwide; it facilitates the
delivery of educational and training materials that supports education and training process which can be retrieved through the World Wide Web (WWW).Being a centre point for technological development for the past two decades, the Internet's facility for real-time interaction have made computer-based training, or web-based training become more viable for meeting the educational needs.As an aid to the
above requirements,this thesis presents the development of On-line Undergraduate Project Proposal Submission for students under the Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering to send their undergraduate project proposal Projek Sarjana Muda I)online and get their approval immediately via short message service (SMS) sending by project coordinator.Therefore, student and project coordinator can get the latest information about the selecting processes and result of the proposal directly from the system.This project will be divided into two interfaces,namely student and project coordinator interface.