Summary: | Speech recognition is a topic that very useful in many applications and enviroments in our daily life. Generally, speech recognizer is a machine which understand humans and their spoken word in some way and can act thereafter. In daily usage, for example, it can be used in a car environment to voice control non-critical operation such as dialing a phone number to ensure a maximum control to the car and enhance the safety. A different aspect of speech recognition is to facilitate for people with functional disability or other kinds of handicap. The system develop for this speech recognizer will be done using MATLAB and for this project, the system will recognize discrete word only and not a sentences or a robust speech. There are two main operations in this speech recognizer which are generating the voiceprint and store it as template in the word bank and recognizing the word spoken by comparing it with the template stored in word bank. The voiceprint is create by extracting it’s MEL Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) which is the default number of coefficients need to be extracted are 12. To get more accurate result, 20 coefficients will be extracted. For recognizing purpose, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) method is use. DTW will calculate the distance of two vectors which are the word spoken and the stored voiceprints and it will recognize the word as the same word if the the distance is the lowest or in other words, nearly zero.