Summary: | The increasing fame of biofeedback game has brought convenience to human life. More and more people rely on biofeedback game as an alternative medical treatment to overcome stress problems. Practitioners, meditators, healthcare clinicians and patients are among the most common people who use this biofeedback method to handle their stress in a better way. Basically, biofeedback game integrates biofeedback device in their therapy. Different biofeedback devices have unique way to patterned user’s physiological response towards the game. Biofeedback game implements the virtual game to collaborate with these biofeedback devices. Global issues such as the Electric Vehicles (EVs) issue which are part of the green technology solution are rarely found in the existing biofeedback virtual games themes. Therefore this project, GreenVec Game for Skin Conductivity Level (SCL) Biofeedback Performance Simulator using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Sensor or mainly known as Green Vehicle Biofeedback Game is a biofeedback game-based application that able to measure SCL of the player with the integration of GSR. The skin conductivity level corresponds to the player’s awareness level about the green Electric Vehicles (EVs) issues. The biofeedback game will also create a short report on the player’s skin conductivity level based on the GSR sensor data and the game data by the end of the game. From the end result, it shows that when the SCL is high, the awareness on the electric vehicles issues is high. While the SCL is low, the awareness on the electric vehicles issues is low.