Summary: | As an a/r/tographer, I take up the invitation to contemplate and complicate alternative notions of space and time (Irwin & Springgay, 2008, p. xx). In my poem Rhizome in the Sky, I (re)imagine and (re)conceptualize Deleuze and Guattari’s (1997) metaphor of the rhizome with its interconnected complexity, multiplicity and in-between spaces that “desires, moves and produces” (p. 15). I then take these underground roots that deepen down in the dark earth and I place it in the sky, where I extend these lines of flight into points of light, the branches reaching out heavenward on an endless journey of perpetual becomings. I methodologically affirm, “any elongated form reaches out toward the height, [reaches] toward light” (Bachelard, 1988, p. 259). In the symbolic potency of the poetic image through the lens of spiritual revealing, is where its transcendental power cannot be reduced to the horizontal (Laude, 2004).