Summary: | In an ever more demanding competitive bubble with changes as frequent as unpredictable, the ability to adapt becomes a survival imperative for any organization with human capital as its weapon of choice and human resources management as its tool of managerial excellence. A crucial challenge for success, performance reveals to be a major goal any organization continues to scrutinize despite the absence of a single and standard definition of this concept. The performance of HRM is conditioned by a set of determinants as varied as they create value, outlining the missions of this task. The correlation between the performance of HRM and its determinants leads to their optimization and the search for the appropriate combination, as well as the strategic arrangements and the mode of operation capable of maximizing performance and promoting efficiency. A hierarchy of these determinants can be established according to their importance knowing that they are interdependent. Their concerted management allows synergy and hence an economy of scale and better efficiency. Their concerted management allows synergy and therefore an economy of scale and greater efficiency. Once faced with budgetary constraints, the most important determinants must be prioritized, while ensuring the minimum service for the other determinants, especially, the less budgeted ones. The empirical part relating to the Ibn Tofaïl University of Kenitra is but a corroboration of these findings while revealing its specificities in this area.