Summary: | Rural Healthy People is a companion piece to the federal Healthy People initiative released once a decade to identify the most important Healthy People priorities for rural America, as identified by rural stakeholders, for the current decade. This study reports on the findings of Rural Healthy People 2030. The study relied on a survey of rural health stakeholders collected from July 12, 2021, to February 14, 2022, and: 1) identified the 20 Healthy People priorities most frequently selected as priorities for rural America, 2) studied the priorities that were most frequently selected as a “top 3” priority within each Healthy People 2030 category, and 3) investigated Healthy People 2030 priorities in terms of ranked importance for rural Americans. The analysis finds that for the first time across 3 decades of Rural Healthy People, a greater proportion of respondents selected “Mental Health and Mental Disorders” and “Addiction” as Healthy People priorities for rural America, than did “Health Care Access and Quality”. Even still, respondents ranked “Health Care Access and Quality” as the single-most important rural priority. “Economic Stability,” a new priority within the Social Determinant of Health category, debuted within the 10 most frequently selected priorities for rural America for the coming decade. As public health practitioners, researchers, and policymakers work toward closing the urban–rural divide, the most important rural priorities to address in the coming decade are mental health and substance use disorders, access to high quality health care services, and social determinants of health, such as economic stability.