Summary: | This paper presents as a comparative distinction –distinction for comparison– the essential notes of the analysis realized by Enrique Dussel’s in his «early work» about the «Semitic Humanism» (1969) and the «Hellenic Humanism» (1975). Firstly, it presents the perspective from which Dussel understands the «Hellenic humanism». Secondly, it systematizes the Dussel's analysis about the anthropological configuration of Hebrew people. Thirdly, it analyze the way that the paradigms of the Exodus and the «Yahwah Servant» become prolific theoretical-categorical frameworks to think practically about the processes of political-economic liberating service ('avodáh-עֲבוֹדָה). The «generative topic» of the three sections is the type of relationship between «singular-community» (in terms of political and anthropological constitution) and the transcendence's conception that presents each anthropological configuration analyzed.