Summary: | The article addresses the promotion of reading in the university from a formative conception in the university extension. Its objective was aimed at establishing a pedagogical conception of training for the promotion of reading in the context of the University of Pinar del Río. For this, the main methods were used the Dialectic-Materialist, as rector, theorists such as the Historical-logical, the Systemic-Structural and empirical Modeling such as the Interview, the Survey and the documentary Analysis. The main results were in a set of ideas that conceiveit as a process with a transversal nature and understandit as a sociocultural practice, energized by the relationships that are generated between the students of the student brigade, the academic ear group and the Department of University Extension, which uses the method and organization alforms of university extension, based on the integral cultural training of future professionals. The conclusions derived from the ideas, associated with the new condition simposed by the pandemic, allow edus to find new challenges for the exchange of best practices, to strength enties with other social actors, as well as to project new ways of approaching reading from the promotion.