Summary: | The rural movement of the ACJM initiated during the cardenismo with the critique towards the agrarian reform and the model of rural education. The governments of Manuel Ávila Camacho and Miguel Alemán Valdés limited the impulse to the distribution of lands and favoured the agroindustrial privately owned. Likewise, during these governments, the rapprochement between the Church and the Mexican State took the form of a modus vivendi. In this new official keynote, the actionS of the rural movement of the ACJM did not go in opposition to the governmental policies related to the the field, but they took other directives: the demobilization of the peasants, the exaltation of the rural poverty and the diffusion of nationalistic campaigns in favour of the literacy, the hygiene and the moralizing of the customs. Finally, in the fifties, the rural speech of the ACJM indicated implicitly the consequences of the model of economic development, among them, the unfair distribution of lands, the credit lack for the ejidatarios and for the small producers, the poverty and misery of the peasants and the increasing phenomenon of the bracerismo.