Summary: | The Comintern pattern worked the same, regardless of political context. As described in a report wrote by the Siguranţa secret police, the party school depicted below had took place during the summer of 1939, precisely two months before the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact was signed. This alliance overthrew the system of alliances in Europe. The Spanish Civil War ended with Franco’s victory and Stalin decided to make a turn. If after 1933 Hitler winning the elections in Germany urged Kremlin to instruct the Comintern to form popular fronts in order to bring together the anti-fascist forces, on this occasion, Stalin decided to make Germany his ally against the English and French “plutocracies”. For Stalin everything was clear-cut: Hitler had won the game on the continent and therefore he wanted to ally himself with the most powerful. The political language engaged by the party school depicted below reveals this political moment.