Summary: | This text is part of epistemological and methodological constructions and reflections that are aimed at helping understand contemporary psychosocial phenomena. It addresses a concern for the reductionism and simplification implied in the disciplinary approach and, from the perspective of modern science, the psychosocial and political research problems that summon us. Based on this concern, we propose dialogues-debates that allow us to build reflective principles that we can use to move towards understanding these phenomena from a perspective of complexity. For this reason, at first, we recount what the perspective of complexity is and its two main aspects: complex thought (generalized) and the sciences of complexity (restricted). Second, we present our own approach to complexity, namely: a bio-psycho-socio-political construction that resorts to the complex conception that we have of what human is and of everything that is circumscribed in the experience of humanity. Finally, we consider that we cannot conclude, but rather present some final considerations that allow us to highlight the urgency of moving towards other paradigms that help us understand human and non-human phenomena, taking into account their complexity and the need to think about them in a complex way.