Summary: | AIM: To analyze the etiology, therapeutic effects,risk of relapse and prognosis of acute anterior uveitis.<p>MEHTODS: Medical history of 215 patients with acute anterior uveitis who underwent treatment in Department of Ophthalmology, People's Hospital of Fenghua was collected, together with results of clinical examinations and auxiliary examinations. The data were studied in terms of therapeutic effects, etiological factors, prognosis and relapse rate. <p>RESULTS: In 85 cases(39.5%), the cause was identified, and among the among the most frequent causes were traumatic or surgical injury, viral infection and glaucomatocyclitic crisis. After treatment, the best corrected visual acuity was no less than 1.0 in 153 cases(71.2%), between 0.5 and 1.0 in 55 cases(25.6%), between 0.3 and 0.5 in 4 cases(1.9%), between 0.05 and 0.3 in 2 cases(0.9%), and less than 0.05 in 1 case(0.5%). During the follow-up of more than 6 months, relapse occurred in 4 cases(1.9%)during 4-6 months, in 7 cases(3.2%)during 7-12 months, in 10 cases(4.7%)during 13-24 months, and in 3 cases(1.4%)during 25-60 months. <p>CONCLUSION: The etiology of acute anterior uveitis is complicated and mostly idiopathic. Vision prognosis is good after treatment, but therelapse rate is high and can cause visual impairment, so better understanding should be gained of its relapse and its prevention and early treatment should be emphasized.