Summary: | The study concerns Polish fencing (hussar sabre fighting) and Japanese kenjutsu (art of sword). It focuses on forms of their promotion as well as popularization and its scope. In the lightof history, theoretical sociology and anthropology of martial arts selected relevant facts are discussed in an attempt to explain the reasons for the changes which have occured. An attempt is also madeto compare the progress of the process of institutionalization in the case of both martial arts. Three complementary qualitative research methods were used: a long-term observation in the role ofa participant (25 years), content analysis of the literature and the case study. In addition, the author presents the case study ofan international seminar on kenjutsu of the Katori Shinto-ryu schoolorganized in Kraków. The date of the seminar coincided with the 20th anniversary of the battle demonstration where a representative of the fencing school fought against W. Zabłocki, a master of the Polish hussar sabre, and the 25th anniversary of practising martial arts of aikibudō and kobudō in Poland (including kenjutsu of the said school).Japanese kenjutsu is much more advanced in comparison to the Polish historical art of fencing in terms of institutionalization and popularization. However, the two-day seminar on old Japanese fencing in Krakow was an example of a cultural meeting, dialogue and educational experience confirming validity of the theory of dialogue between cultures. Polish martial arts as part of the national heritage need to be supported by the state government.