Summary: | The beginning of 20th century, had been Historicized as a period of discussion and
negotiation of different cultural problems in Turkmen Lands. The discussions in published
works at the given period, appeared as considerable thoughts, views and offers among writings
and publications about one of the most important and main problems of Turkmen culture, which
indited upon the language topic. Which gives us the opportunity to be informed about
researches and writings, published in different places upon Turkmen language. It is possible to
see that discussions upon Turkmen language has separate place. Still, it is likely to see warnings
and suggestions of traditional writer to the modernist one. Besides, discussions of modernist
thinkers among themselves are also remarkable in these compositions. There is especial place of
Kumush Ali Boriyev (Boruogly), who’ve been criticized and who is criticized in this dispute
adventure. Additionally, writings of thinker have important role in understanding genius of
Turkmen language of that time. However, in this article, we are going to try to explain views of
thinker which he published on the journal “Turkmen Culture” in 1931 entitled “Turkmen
language” which included a statement: “The work of ‘Learning Turkmen language from the
scientific approach’ starts”