Summary: | The LRS Bianchi-I spatially homogeneous and anisotropic perfect fluid cosmological model is studied in f(R,T) theory by specific choice of f(R,T)=R+αRn+λT. In this paper, to get the deceleration parameter as a function of time (t), the scale factor is considered as an increasing function of time. By using scale factor and the proportionality of shear scalar (σ) of the space–time with expansion scalar (θ), the solution of the field equations is obtained, also to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe, the constant n plays a key role. It is observed that, for n=2,2.5,3,3.5,4, the pressure and energy density are negative and positive respectively. For the remaining values of n, the pressure is positive, and the energy density is negative. Also, we have discussed all energy conditions for n=2,2.5,3,3.5,4, and it is interesting to see that NEC, DEC’s are satisfied, while infringement of SEC accelerates the expansion of the universe. Moreover, we have observed that n=2 is the best fit for the present model, and for various values ofν, the r-q and r-s planes have been studied. Finally, the LRS Bianchi type-I cosmological model obtained, and presented here is compatible with the recent cosmological observational data.