Summary: | This paper summarized the management experience in construction and practice of the outpatient clinic with Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) appropriate nursing technology. Issues about management on patient attendance, outpatient treatment prescription, diagnosis and treatment area, process of visiting doctor and nursing quality were analyzed. The establishment of outpatient clinic helps achieve the closed-loop management of TCM preventive treatment of disease, consisting of health management, education and intervention, and aiming to provide better quality of TCM nursing. (本文总结了中医适宜技术护理门诊建设的思路与方法, 包括就诊人群管理、门诊治疗处方管理、就诊区域管理、就诊流程管理、护理质量管理等, 通过建设中医适宜技术护理门诊, 实现了健康管理、健康教育、健康干预于一体的中医“治未病”闭环化管理, 并以此为患者提供更优质的中医护理服务。)