Summary: | BEaTmap is an open-source software designed to improve the analysis of isothermal adsorption data. The specific surface area of a porous material is commonly obtained through applying the classic BET theory to the adsorption of inert gases and vapors in the relative pressure range of 5% to 35% and presented as a single value. However, this cookie-cutter approach can yield thermodynamically inconsistent results that are incorrect or misleading. BEaTmap provides a conceptual tool for analyzing the entire set of isothermal adsorption data with BET theory and presents the range of all possible values that are thermodynamically and mathematically consistent. The analysis is presented as a heatmap indicating the results for all valid relative pressure ranges, offering the user a more comprehensive specific surface area answer. The code is written in Python and is available as both a web app and Python package. BEaTmap, documentation, and examples are freely available on GitHub.