Summary: | The research about regarding the permanence of initial Landscapes in the historic center of
Regente Feijó, a city in the region of Presidente Prudente, identify and map the historical/cultural
set of significant architectural and urban elements that characterize the center of this city. For
this, technical visits were done interviewing the residents and seeking information material such
as maps, photos and historical documents. It was found that the “Boiadeira Road” and the railway
line determined the foundation of Regente Feijó, similar to other regions in which the arrival of
the railroad also boosted the development. There was the preservation of a landscape, even with
mischaracterization, which refers the ambience of the initial center, that coparceners in the
current city. Thus, the survey of these data allowed subsidies for further referrals of their
safeguard actions, as we move towards a homogenization of Landscapes.