Summary: | Peculiar vocabulary in Ścieżki polne by Leopold Staff
In the article „Peculiar vocabulary in Ścieżki polne by Leopold Staff” Mirosława Białoskórska presented the roles and functions of peculiar vocabulary, i.e. the words characterized by chronological, geographical, emotional-expressive and stylistical features in creation of images of people, animals and countryside nature against the background of the general vocabulary of the Polish language in the beginning of the XX century. The examined vocabulary (204 vocabulary words in 229 usages) is presented in 52 lyric verses (83,9% of the entire collection), including the average concentration index of evaluative vocabulary in 2400 poetic lines amounts to 10,5. The predominant use of chronologically-evaluative words (old, outdated, and rare words) and geographically-evaluative (lexical regionalisms and dialectisms) words over emotional-expressive words (neologisms, neosemantisms, poetisms) made it possible for the poet to make idealized creations of people, animals and birds who are tired of working against the background of the countryside landscape and different phenomena of Polish nature – the heroes of his poems.