Summary: | Groundnut is highly prone to foliar diseases and causes significant yield losses. To prevent the yield losses in groundnut,
breeding resistant variety is an ideal way of managing the foliar diseases over chemical control considering the additional
cost and ecological safety. Hence, an attempt has been made to screen the resistant genotypes from seventy five ILs for late
leaf spot and rust. Genotypes were sown at two locations namely Department of Oilseeds, Centre for Plant Breeding and
Genetics, TNAU, Coimbatore and Coconut Research Station, TNAU, Aliyar Nagar during kharif season, 2018. Fifteen
genotypes were showed resistant (1-3) reaction for both late leaf spot and rust with the score range of 1 – 2.9 in both the
locations. Two genotypes viz., COG 17007 and COG 17030 showed resistance to both LLS and rust when compared to all
check varieties, while significant increase for the productivity traits over parents and check varieties. Multi-location field
evaluation of these ILs for the productivity may be lead to release of improved variety.