Summary: | For urban development worldwide, the revitalisation of cultural heritage and historical buildings is regarded as a strategy for creating jobs, increasing residents’ access to local culture, improving their quality of life, and developing the urban economy. The key factor in the revitalisation of cultural heritage and historical buildings is a strategy for developing the urban economy. Through an exploratory study, this paper examined how the cultural service ecosystems of Dihua Street and Guansi Shihdianzih Old Street are created and operated and how actors develop cultural service ecosystems. By presenting a common value proposition, actors can benefit from interactions through an exchange of services, provide cultural services, develop cultural value, and implement full resource integration and value co-creation, thus promoting the cultural brand communication of historical blocks and the sustainability of cultural services. This study further extended the original functions of cultural heritage and analysed the operation of cultural service ecosystems for cultural heritage. The findings of this study revealed that the organisational operational effectiveness of revitalisation and cultural innovation activities in historic districts provided an innovative approach for sustainable development and the economic revival of historical blocks, which can be used as a reference for the sustainability of local culture and economy. In this perspective, this article provides some useful suggestions for stakeholders and policymakers.