Summary: | José Celestino Mutis showed different interestareas of study and worked in multipleknowledge fields: mathematics, mineralogy, astronomy,zoology and botanic, the one in whichis best known. However, he was a medical doctor,whit profound an up to date knowledge. Hestudied at Sevilla University, and in the RoyalCollege of Cadiz. He arrived to the “NuevoReino de Granada” as personal medical doctorof the the viceroy Pedro Messía de la Cerda andduring 47 years, period of time he lived there,he always exercised his profession. We showeda special interest in the study of cinchona andthe only work he published was El Arcano dela quina. He advised in public health manyviceroys and he contributed in different fieldsbut particularly in the prevention of smallpoxby inoculation. He played a decisive role in thereopening of the medical school of the ColegioMayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Someof his achievements justifies the appellative“Father of the Medicine in Colombia”.