Summary: | Image representations in the form of neural activations derived from intermediate layers of deep neural networks are the state-of-the-art descriptors for instance based retrieval. However, the problem that persists consists of how to retrieve identical images as the most relevant ones from a large image or video corpus. In this work, we introduce colour neural descriptors that are made of convolutional neural networks (CNN) features obtained by combining different colour spaces and colour channels. In contrast to previous works, which rely on fine-tuning pre-trained networks, we compute the proposed descriptors based on the activations generated from a pretrained VGG-16 network without fine-tuning. Besides, we take advantage of an object detector to optimize our proposed instance retrieval architecture to generate features at both local and global scales. In addition, we introduce a stride based query expansion technique to retrieve objects from multi-view datasets. Finally, we experimentally proved that the proposed colour neural descriptors, obtain state-of-the-art results in Paris 6K, Revisiting-Paris 6k, INSTRE-M and COIL-100 datasets, with mAPs of 81.70, 82.02, 78.8 and 97.9, respectively.