Summary: | This study was done to evaluate the validity and reliability of women’s
reproductive history questionnaire which will be used in Azar Cohort study; a cohort that is
conducted by Tabriz University of Medical Science in Shabestar county for identifying risk
factors of no communicable diseases. Content and face validity were evaluated by ten experts
in the field and quantified as content validity index (CVI) and content validity ratio (CVR).
To assess the reliability, using test-retest approach, kappa statistic was calculated for
categorical variables and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was used for the
quantitative items. The calculated CVI and CVR were 0.91and 0.94, respectively. Reliability
for all items was high. The ICC was 0.99 and kappa statistic was equal to 1. The final version
of questionnaire was redesigned in 26 items with 7 subscales.