Summary: | During the period 1988 - 1996 the Ephemeroptera diversity in West Serbia was studied. These investigations included 124 springs, considerable number of spring regions, as well as rivers: the Sušica, Djetinja, Skrapež Pocibrava, Banja, Gradac, Jablanica, Obnica and Kolubara. Total of 45 taxa belonging to 8 families were identified. At the majority of sampling locations: Baetis rhodani, Baetis sp., Ecdyonurus sp., Ephemera danica Ephemerella ignita, Caenis moesta, Habroleptoides modesta and Ilhitrogena semicolorata were present. The smallest Ephemeroptera diversity in the studied waters was recorded in springs and the greatest one in middle parts of the mountain running waters.