Supreme Court as the nation institution in nation power was the legislative power keeper. The performance in law enforcement had always to adapt the increase of society law. Here, justice was enforced based on society justice feeling. Supreme Court institution was occupied by a person, namely Suprem...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Samsul Wahidin
Format: Article
Published: University of Merdeka Malang 2017-10-01
Series:Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum
Online Access:https://jurnal.unmer.ac.id/index.php/jch/article/view/697
Summary:Supreme Court as the nation institution in nation power was the legislative power keeper. The performance in law enforcement had always to adapt the increase of society law. Here, justice was enforced based on society justice feeling. Supreme Court institution was occupied by a person, namely Supreme Judge or judge of the Supreme Court. Supreme Judge as God Representative in the world had to dig and accommodate the justice value in society. In upholding the law and justice, it had to be realized that it was a simultaneous and continuous effort by integrating various components with Supreme Court and supreme judge as the concrete agent. Various components in law enforcement had to integrate in realizing the law goal which processed with space and time. Space gave a chance toward the law action, both one which fitted law and that which broke it.The processing time gave a chance to people to be creative and innovative.In another perspective, integration did not only mean to build power, especially against law violation. The effort which had to be done continuously was to keep renewing the legal source, so the component in realizing the law goal could be renewed, not merely in the meaning as the spirit and all the implications but more than that, up to date renewing had to be done continuously. It became a demand that had to be fulfilled all the time. There was no word finish and there was no term final. Process was the form of the finalization itself. Mahkamah Agung sebagai lembaga negara dalam sistem kekuasaan negara adalah penjaga kekuasaan legislatif. Kinerjanya dalam penegakan hukum harus senantiasa menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan hukum masyarakat. Di sini keadilan ditegakkan berdasarkan rasa keadilan masyarakat. Kelembagaan Mahkamah Agung diisi oleh person, yaitu Hakim Agung. Hakim Agung sebagai wakil Tuhan di muka bumi, harus senantiasa menggali dan mengakomodasikan nilai keadilan dalam masyarakat. Dalam menegakkan hukum dan keadilan, disadari adalah merupakan upaya simultan dan terus berkelanjutan, dengan mengintegrasikan berbagai komponen. Puncaknya adalah Mahkamah Agung, dengan Hakim Agung sebagai penegak konkretnya. Berbagai komponen dalam penegakan hukum harus berintegrasi dalam mewujudkan tujuan hukum, yang berproses bersama ruang dan waktu. Ruang yang memberikan kesempatan terhadap terjadinya perbuatan hukum, baik yang sesuai maupun yang melanggar hukum. Waktu yang terus berproses, memberikan kesempatan kepada orang untuk berkreativitas dan berinovasi. Pada perspektif lain, integrasi itu tidak semata dalam maknanya untuk membangun kekuatan, khususnya melawan pelanggaran hukum. Upaya yang harus terus dilakukan adalah terus memperbaharui sumber daya hukum (legal source), sehingga komponen dalam upaya mewujudkan tujuan hukum itu terus menerus diperbaharui. Tidak semata dalam maknanya sebagai semangat dengan segala implikasinya. Lebih dari hal di atas, perbaharuan yang bersifat up to date harus terus menerus dilaksanakan. Hal ini menjadi semacam tuntutan yang harus dipenuhi di sepanjang waktu. Tak ada kata selesai, dan tidak ada istilah final. Proses adalah bentuk dari finalisasi itu sendiri.