Summary: | Based on the collected statistical material, the analysis of population changes in the North Caucasus regions since the last allRussian population census until 2018 was conducted. The article considers the main factors of the current population reproduction, and trends in the dynamics of the population in the North Caucasus were set. Based on the obtained data, the subjects of the North Caucasus are divided into two categories. The first are Russian-speaking regions where the absolute population growth is observed due to a positive migration balance that covers the natural decline of the population. The other category includes mainly national republics with a high natural growth that covers a significant migration outflow of the population. Despite the favorable demographic situation in the region under study, there is a trend towards the end of the demographic boom that is typical of the entire North Caucasus region. In general, there is a stabilization of the birth rate and natural growth, and a decrease in the intensity of migration movements.