Summary: | <p>In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, Belgium, hereafter referred to as the evaluating Member State, compiled an application to modify the existing MRL for the active substance iprodione in celeriac. In order to accommodate the intended use of iprodione, Belgium proposed to raise the existing MRL from the limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.02 mg/kg to 0.2 mg/kg. Belgium drafted an evaluation report in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, which was submitted to the European Commission and forwarded to EFSA. According to EFSA the data are sufficient to derive a MRL proposal of 0.15 mg/kg for the proposed use on celeriac. However, the proposal is considered provisional because of the deficiencies regarding the studies on the plant metabolism. Adequate analytical enforcement methods are available to control the residues of iprodione in celeriac. EFSA concludes that the intended use of iprodione on celeriac will be a minor contributor in the overall long-term consumer exposure. According to the information available to EFSA, the toxicological reference value of iprodione is not expected to be exceeded. However, the consumer risk assessment has to be considered as indicative because of the open points regarding the toxicological relevance of the metabolite 3,5-dichloroaniline and the residue definition.</p>