Summary: | Knowledge and understanting the means of appeals lodged before the courts of the European Union, limited only to the points of law, are very important taking into accout the modality to control a judgment delivered by an inferior court exists since ancient times, being governed among others, by the Larin principle: res judicata pro veritate accipitur. In the following we will examine, in general, the judicial control of the judgments and orders delivered by the General Court and by the Civil Service Tribunal, as a specialized tribunal on civil servant issues, but also the sui generis means of appeals and the extraordinary means of reviews of the judgments and orders. We shall mention that all of them are exercised in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the European courts and the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Another aspect to be mentione is that the judjments of the Court of Justice cannot be challenged to another court, as they remain final and irrevocable.