Summary: | DNA methylation functions as a prominent epigenetic mark, and its patterns are transmitted to the genomes of offspring. The nucleosome containing the histone H2A.Z variant and histone H3K4 mono-methylation acts as a “placeholder” nucleosome for DNA hypomethylation maintenance in zebrafish embryonic cells. However, the mechanism by which DNA methylation is deterred by the placeholder nucleosome is poorly understood. In the present study, we reconstituted the placeholder nucleosome containing histones H2A.Z and H3 with the Lys4 mono-methylation. The thermal stability assay revealed that the placeholder nucleosome is less stable than the canonical nucleosome. Nuclease susceptibility assays suggested that the nucleosomal DNA ends of the placeholder nucleosome are more accessible than those of the canonical nucleosome. These characteristics of the placeholder nucleosome are quite similar to those of the H2A.Z nucleosome without H3K4 methylation. Importantly, the linker histone H1, which is reportedly involved in the recruitment of DNA methyltransferases, efficiently binds to all of the placeholder, H2A.Z, and canonical nucleosomes. Therefore, the characteristics of the H2A.Z nucleosome are conserved in the placeholder nucleosome without synergistic effects on the H3K4 mono-methylation. Keywords: DNA methylation, H2A.Z, H3K4 methylation, Nucleosome, Histone, Chromatin