Summary: | Children are a nation's future. In the digital era, online gaming has become deeply ingrained in the lives of children, significantly impacting them. Thus, comprehensively examining this situation is imperative. However, the existing research has predominantly focused on analyzing online gaming among underachieving students. This narrow focus has magnified the negative implications of gaming among this group while overlooking the underlying structural realities. To address this, in contrast to prior studies emphasizing underachieving students' gaming behavior, this paper takes a holistic and group-specific approach. Based on academic performance and using purposive sampling, 35 participants (18 students, 12 parents, and 5 teachers) were selected for a comprehensive investigation. This study compares the gaming behavior, significance, external assessments, and the urban–rural and socioeconomic factors associated with underachieving and high-achieving students. The study reveals stark differences in gaming behavior between the two groups. Underachieving students tend to engage in excessive gaming, whereas their high-achieving counterparts exhibit more moderate gaming habits. Further analysis uncovers distinct meanings associated with online gaming for these two groups. Underachieving students' gaming patterns align with the established theory of compensatory gaming, fulfilling their lack of achievement and meaning in real life. Conversely, high-achieving students conform to the enrichment theory, viewing gaming as a means to enrich their learning and overall lives, rather than a substitute for what is lacking. The disparity in gaming behavior is further amplified by the differential evaluations provided by parents and teachers. Moreover, this study underscores the deeper structural distinctions between these two groups rooted in urban–rural backgrounds and family education.