Summary: | Primulina tenuituba is a species in the Gesneriaceae family that is widely distributed in China. It is a karst-dwelling species with an enormous tolerance for extreme drought and high temperatures. The species is also used in traditional Chinese medicine. In this study, the complete chloroplast genome of P. tenuituba was assembled and characterized for the first time. The complete chloroplast genome exhibited a typical quadripartite cycle of 153,236 bp in length, including a pair of inverted repeats (IRs) of 25,494 bp, which were separated by a large single-copy (LSC) region of 84,364 bp and a small single copy (SSC) region of 17,884 bp. The GC content was 37.6%. The complete chloroplast genome of P. tenuituba contains 114 genes, including 80 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNAs genes, and four rRNAs. The phylogenetic analysis showed that P. tenuituba is closely related to P. eburnea. The newly reported chloroplast genome of P. tenuituba would provide valuable data for further studies on its evolution and adaptation mechanism.