Summary: | <p>Ud fra John Deweys erfaringspædagogik, bygget op om begreberne erfaring, situation og samspil, undersøges aspekter af en strukturel adskillelse af målstyrede og projektbaserede undervisningspraksisser med arkitektuddannelsen på Kunstakademiets Skoler for Arkitektur Design og Konservering som eksempel på en uddannelse baseret på både et videnskabeligt og et kunstnerisk grundlag. Det diskuteres om den også konkret rumlige adskillelse af de to grundlags respektive pædagogiske platforme i henholdsvis kursusundervisning og projektundervisning er tilsigtet og hensigtsmæssig med særligt henblik på at opspore tiltag, der kan styrke uddannelsens forskningsbasering. I et bredere perspektiv plæderer artiklen for etableringen af fagstudiemiljøer til befordring af erfaringsdannelsen i samspilssituationer på tværs af grundlag - i dette tilfælde det kunstneriske og videnskabelige.</p> <p> </p><p> </p> <p>John Dewey’s pedagogy of experience, inspired by the concepts of experience, situation and interaction forms the frame for contemplating the apparent conflict between curriculum and project based pedagogical methods encompassing both the sciences and the arts. Investigating a particular case, the article considers whether the spatial separation of practiced pedagogical methods relative to the scientific and the artistic, has been intentional and appropriate. The inquiry aims at identifying new ways of strengthening the scientific basis of the education framework under discussion. Considering Dewey’s understanding of a learning context as ‘total social set-up’ the article in a broader perspective, argues in favour of an understanding of ‘learning context’ potentially as ‘context which learns’: Accordingly, given that the total social set-up of learning is considered dynamic rather than static the article suggests to affect such dynamic processes deliberately. In conclusion such deliberations, as motivated by pedagogical intentions of integrating scientific and artistic disciplines in the total social set-up, are considered.</p>