Summary: | Objective:to evaluate the profile of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases (ICD10 J09 to J18) in the post-introduction period of the pneumococcal vaccine in Brazil.Methods: t\he research was carried out in the National Information System of hospitalizations and treatment for pneumonia and influenza, stratified by age group, from 2008 to 2015.Results: Between 2008-2010 and 2011-2015, in <1 and among 1 and 4 years, there was a reduction of 20.9% (p= 0.023) and 25.8% (p= 0.009), respectively; already above 60 years, there was an increase of 18% in hospitalizations (p= 0.023). Between the pre-vaccine and post-vaccination periods, there was a mean reduction in annual treatment of 15.4% (p= 0.027).Conclusions: Significant decrease in the mean hospitalizations and treatment by J09 to J18 in the population under five years old strengthens the importance of vaccination in the child population. In individuals over 60 years was the opposite.