Summary: | Hamartomas of the breast are rare, benign conditions of the breast.They tend to be well defi ned and painless. They are not related to skin or the pectoralis muscles and cause asymetrical enlargement in the breast. These mobile masses consist from varying proportions of fat, glands, fi broid or muscle tissues. Cytologic characteristic is not spesivic therefore preoperative diagnosis is diffi cult. ‘breast inside breast’ is the characteristic fi nding in the mammography yet ultrasonography and MRI can help with the diagnosis. Needle biopsy is not benefi cial for the diagnosis. The challenge in the defi nition of the mass can be passed with clinical, radiologic and pathologic assessment of the tumor. Surgical excision is the treatment of the choice. In the present article we wanted to discuss this rare entity; with a larger case than most of the reported ones nad literature research.