Summary: | This work investigates the
phenomenon of gender violence from the
perspective of feminist studies by Scott (1995),
Saffioti (2004) and Rubin (2012) in the
consideration of narratives constituted and
shared in popular culture as the expression “man
who hits women, coward is ”, and offers a
proposal for interpretation based on the Positive
Psychology approach of Seligman and
Csikszentmihalyi (2000), by positioning itself as
the scientific study of the optimal functioning of
the human being, focusing on virtues and
strengths of character, among others constructs.
Thus, studies on healthy marital relationships
were sought as a reference, when there is no
gender violence in electronic bibliographic
databases, such as the Library Virtual Health
Psychology (BVS-Psi), Scientific Electronic
Library Online (SciELO) and the journal portal
of the Coordination for the Improvement of
Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in the
period from 2015 to 2020. Using the narrative
review method ( ROTHER, 2007), the analysis
of the results showed that the strength of
character Vitality (enthusiasm) present in virtue
Courage acts strongly in the elevation of
subjective well-being (BES) and that this has a
direct relationship with the increase in marital
satisfaction and promotes more bonds lasting.
The results obtained support the interpretation
that increasing this variable has an impact on the
protection of marital relationships, preventing the
manifestation of gender violence, acting as
prevention of the quality of relationships