Egyptian Arabic-English code-switching in product review videos in Egyptian female vlogs

This paper explores the phenomenon of code-switching between Egyptian Arabic and English in vlogs published by young Egyptian women. Based on evidence from a total of 5 hours of recordings, language choices of female vloggers in product review videos were observed and analysed. Primarily, Muysken’s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Natalia Siereda
Format: Article
Published: Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing (Estonian Association for Applied Linguistics) 2024-04-01
Series:Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat
Online Access:
Summary:This paper explores the phenomenon of code-switching between Egyptian Arabic and English in vlogs published by young Egyptian women. Based on evidence from a total of 5 hours of recordings, language choices of female vloggers in product review videos were observed and analysed. Primarily, Muysken’s typology of code-switching (subdivision into insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization) was used to classify the tokens. Secondly, all of them have been analysed from a usage-based perspective. All types of CS were attested in the material, the prevalent one being insertions. Lastly, an attempt was made to find patterns similar for some of the participants or all of them. *** "Egiptuse araabia ja inglise keele koodivahetus Egiptuse naisvlogijate tootevideotes" Artikkel käsitleb noorte Egiptuse vlogijate keelevalikuid ning Egiptuse araabia ja inglise keele koodivahetust. Viie sisulooja videomaterjali analüüsitakse Muyskeni (2000) koodivahetuse tüpoloogia ja kasutuspõhise meetodi abil. Analüüsile eelneb Egiptuse sotsiolingvistilise situatsiooni kirjeldus, mis loob konteksti tulemuste paremaks mõistmiseks. Analüütilises osas selgitatakse näidete varal koodivahetuse eri tüüpe. Analüüsitakse mitte ainult iga informandi individuaalseid omadusi, vaid tuvastatakse ka nendevahelisi ühiseid mustreid.