Summary: | In 2017, the mysid Paramysis lacustris (Czerniavsky, 1882) was found for the first time in the Hungarian Danube section, representing the first psammo-pelophilous Ponto-Caspian peracarid colonizing the Middle Danube. In 2018, a brief survey focusing on this species revealed its presence in a more than 500-km-long river section spanning from Austria (Vienna, river km 1926) to Croatia (Batina, river km 1425). The largest populations of P. lacustris might be formed in reservoirs and slow-flowing stretches, where the appearance of the species might imply a considerable impact in connection with its zooplanktivorous feeding and important role in the diet of fish. Similar to all the other Ponto-Caspian peracarids that have crossed the Middle Danube, P. lacustris can reasonably be expected to continue its spread toward Western Europe in the future.