Pemetaan Lahan Potensial Perumahan Di Kota Surakarta Berdasarkan Pendekatan Analisis

Abstract: The growth of trade centers, inns, office buildings, meetinghouses and other supporting facilities has a direct impact on the increase in population as well as the need for land for housing amid the limited land. This resulted the disparity problem between the built housing and the amount...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gung Putro Basworo
Format: Article
Published: Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional Yogyakarta 2019-12-01
Series:BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria dan Pertanahan
Online Access:
Summary:Abstract: The growth of trade centers, inns, office buildings, meetinghouses and other supporting facilities has a direct impact on the increase in population as well as the need for land for housing amid the limited land. This resulted the disparity problem between the built housing and the amount of housing needed by the community. This study aims to examine the potential of the land for the provision of housing based on the results of spatial data processing. This study used quantitative analysis method through a geographic information system based spatial analysis approach. The existence of the built-up area and the suitability of the Surakarta City space utilization plan was taken into consideration. In the process, it was found that the tendency for locations was in the northern part of Surakarta City where the results of the land value analysis showed that the area was suitable for housing, but the security analysis showed inappropriate results and even restricted. The findings in the housing land suitability analysis showed that the results of the accessibility analysis and the results of the analysis of the affordability of water and sanitation systems had a significant effect. The analysis found that out of 51 urban villages there were 43 urban villages that had potential land for housing with a level of conformity from appropriate to inappropriate level.  Intisari: Pertumbuhan pusat perdagangan, penginapan, gedung perkantoran, gedung pertemuan dan fasilitas pendukung lainnya berdampak langsung pada penambahan populasi dan kebutuhan lahan untuk perumahan di tengah lahan yang terbatas. Hal ini mengakibatkan masalah kesenjangan antara perumahan yang dibangun dengan jumlah perumahan yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji potensi lahan untuk penyediaan perumahan berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data spasial. Metode analisis kuantitatif digunakan melalui pendekatan analisis spasial berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Keberadaan area terbangun dan kesesuaian rencana pemanfaatan ruang Kota Surakarta menjadi pertimbangan. Dalam prosesnya, ditemukan bahwa kecenderungan lokasi berada di bagian utara Kota Surakarta di mana hasil analisis nilai tanah menunjukkan bahwa daerah tersebut cocok untuk perumahan, tetapi analisis keamanan menunjukkan hasil yang tidak sesuai dan bahkan dibatasi. Temuan dalam analisis kesesuaian lahan perumahan menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis aksesibilitas dan hasil analisis keterjangkauan sistem air dan sanitasi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa dari 51 kelurahan terdapat 43 kelurahan yang memiliki lahan potensial untuk perumahan dengan tingkat kesesuaian yang sesuai sampai dengan tidak sesuai.