Summary: | Trojan fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani) is an endemic primary forest tree classified as endangered (EN) by International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) distirbuted between the Biga Peninsula and the Kızılırmak Delta. The aim of this study is to compile all the studies published on Kazdağı fir to reveal what is known and unknown about the species. For this purpose, the literature was reviewed using the current taxonomic name of the species and all synonyms. Among these publications, the studies which were directly focused on the Trojan fir were selected, and were groupped based on the focused populations (Kazdağları, Uludağ, Batı Karadeniz) and the subjects of the studies (taxonomy, evolution and phylogeny, genetics, ecology and ecophysiology, morphology, diseases and pests, product use and properties, silviculture and management). The publications under each group were reviewed in detail. Lastly, an open access publication list was created consisting of a total of 228 publications, including 181 scientific journal articles, 10 symposium papers, 16 technical reports and 21 master's or doctoral theses. The results show that although studies on Trojan fir have increased after the 2000s, there is not enough information about the taxonomic complexity and evolutionary process of the species. Likewise, studies on the morphology and ecology of Trojan fir are very limited. With the increasing effect of climate change, diseases and pests have started to be studied more frequently; though, there are studies before 2000 on the forest management of the species, no recent studies has been conducted. Even though the species is endemic and endangered, the studies on its conservation are very llimited. The lack of studies on physiological, ecological and genetic properties of the species constitute an important obstacle for the progress of studies on the conservation of Trojan fir.