Jezuitska kemija v Ljubljani (Jesuit Chemistry in Ljubljana)

Opisani sta dve stoletji jezuitskih predavanj kemijskih vsebin v Ljubljani s poudarkom na 17. stoletju. Prvič so podani dosežki vodilnih začetnikov kemije, ki so tedaj delovali v Ljubljani. Prikazan je statistični prerez njihovega porekla, študija in ohranjenih del kot ilustracija presenetljivo močn...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Stanislav Jože Južnič
Format: Article
Published: Slovenian Chemical Society 2015-11-01
Series:Acta Chimica Slovenica
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Summary:Opisani sta dve stoletji jezuitskih predavanj kemijskih vsebin v Ljubljani s poudarkom na 17. stoletju. Prvič so podani dosežki vodilnih začetnikov kemije, ki so tedaj delovali v Ljubljani. Prikazan je statistični prerez njihovega porekla, študija in ohranjenih del kot ilustracija presenetljivo močnega jezuitskega vpliva v med tedanjimi ljubljanskimi poznavalci kemijskih lastnosti snovi. Posebej so izpostavljeni tisti, ki jih je v kranjsko prestolnico zaneslo že kot uveljavljene učenjake. Z analizo primerjamo zapisana dela prvega med njimi, Goričana Luke Vintana, in stoletje mlajšega Gradčana Francisca Reinzera. Razlika v njunem poznavanju kemije oziroma filozofije narave orisuje napredek pri dojemanju snovi skozi sholastične spore okoli kartezijancev do Newtona in Valvasorja, čeravno še vedno v formalno zapovedanih Aristotelovih okvirjih. Rojstni in študijski kraji ter ohranjena kemijska dela ljubljanskih jezuitov orisujejo način kadrovanja in urne načrtne izmenjave strokovnjakov med kolegiji avstrijske province je predstavljen kot dobrodošel opis začetkov kemije v tedanji Ljubljani. Bistvena poteza jezuitskega uspeha pri pouku kemije in sorodnih ved je izšla iz zgledne hierarhične organiziranosti. Mednarodna razprostranjenost in izpiljen občutek za sprejemljive domače šege sta bila srž znanstvenih in pedagoških uspehov jezuitov povsod po svetu. Med Kranjci se je godilo ravno tako potem ko so si jezuiti znali pridobiti redovnike iz vrst lokalnih velikašev. **** Two centuries of Jesuits’ lecturing related to chemistry in Ljubljana is discussed. The focus is put on the 17th century. The achievements of distinguished early expert for chemistry employed in Ljubljana in 17th century are put in the limelight for the first time. The statistics of their pedigrees, studies, and preserved works is focused to illustrate the intellectual background of their surprisingly overhelming influence in contemporary Ljubljana circles interested in early chemistry. The special concern is put on Jesuits who arrived to Ljubljana as established scholars. The written chemistry-related works of the first among them, Luka Vintana of Gorizia, were compared to a century younger Ljubljana Jesuit Francisco Reinzer from Graz. The difference in their perception of chemistry, physics, or philosophy of nature outlines progress in the perception of matter which took place through the scholastic conflicts about Cartesians chemistry all the way to Newton and Valvasor. In spite of profound changes all Jesuits’ output of those times still formally prescribed Aristotle frames. A statistical cross-section of native places of Ljubljana Jesuits, their Alma Mater, and written works related to chemistry were discussed. The method of staffing and quick carefully planned exchange of professors between colleges of Austrian Jesuit province is presented as a welcome illustration of surprisingly strong Jesuits’ impact on the intellectuals of Ljubljana. The essential feature of Jesuit success in teaching of chemistry and related disciplines was connected to their exemplary hierarchical organization. The international distribution and sophisticated sense for acceptable domestic rituals were the keys to scientific and pedagogical success of Jesuits around the world. The Carniola Jesuits followed the same path with numerous Jesuits belonging to the local nobles.