Summary: | We designed this study with the aim to examine teachers’ culturally relevant and sustaining education self-efficacy perceptions in Turkey. For this purpose, we developed a Culturally Relevant/Sustaining Education Self-Efficacy Scale. We obtained the data from 1302 teachers. Data analysis proceeded in three steps: First, we analyzed factor analysis. Second, we conducted a descriptive analysis of the items on the CRESE Scale. Finally, we compared teachers’ perceptions. The scale consists of a single factor and teachers’ scores on the CRESE Scale were highly reliable. The findings revealed that teachers were less efficacious in their ability to revise the teaching-learning materials in terms of cultural diversity, to give culturally relevant examples, to reflect the students’ cultural values in the classroom, and to increase in school parents’ and families’ participation in Turkey. Also, teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions differ significantly according to some variables. We discussed the implications for these findings for both further research and future teacher preparation.