Summary: | Following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident caused by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, radioactive caesium (r-Cs) was detected in the ash generated by municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration facilities in Fukushima Prefecture. This has led to concerns of r-Cs leaching and subsequent environmental contamination during recycling or landfill disposal. Therefore, it is crucial that the relevant authorities have a thorough understanding of r-Cs leaching behavior to establish suitable prevention methods. In this study, we collected r-Cs-contaminated fly and bottom ash (FA and BA) samples from five MSW incineration facilities in Fukushima Prefecture and conducted tests to clarify their basic physical properties and r-Cs leaching properties. We also examined the possibility of preventing r-Cs leaching by adding 5 wt% acid clay to the FA. FA had greater chloride content and r-Cs leaching rate than BA and was found to absorb moisture and deliquesce when stored under high-humidity conditions. However, the addition of acid clay effectively prevented r-Cs leaching upon contact with moisture. From the results, we propose some specific recommendations to counter the leaching of r-Cs from FA at MSW incineration facilities, which will limit r-Cs leaching during recycling or landfill processes.