Summary: | For the complex semantic features of objects in a geological map, maintaining a hierarchy between different geological objects is a big challenge when automatically generalizing the geological map. The typical methods focus on automation of geological map generalization or pay more attention to the hierarchical relation between geological objects, which reduces the accuracy of the geological map generalization result. Therefore, a conceptual framework that focuses on both the automated process and the geological objects is particularly important in developing an efficient software designed for automated generalization of geological maps. In this paper, we design a compound conceptual framework for automated generalization of geological maps based on multiple agents and workflow. In this framework, the process is divided into three stages: structure analysis, map generalization, and style standardization. The map objects in the source geological map are abstracted as diverse agents with different properties and behaviors, and the agents can communicate with each other when they are activated. Thus, the relationship of the map objects is coordinated in geological map generalization, avoiding the conflict between the different operation levels. The workflow technology is used to manage the automated process. We discuss the task, modeling method, and specific operation in every stage based on the current conceptual framework and the characteristics of a geological map. Finally, we use a simple geological map for experimental studies that verify the proposed conceptual framework. The result shows that it is advantageous to design the software for automated generalization of geological maps based on the proposed compound conceptual framework.