Summary: | 本研究旨在發展青少年健康素養量表,再以此量表探討量表之健康知識、健康態度與健康行為的相關及預測因素。首先進行青少年健康素養量表之編製,由 206 位學生的預試及1,005位學生的正式施測,三個分量表之內部一致性信度係數 Cronbach’s α 分別為 .85、.73及 .91,總量表信度為 .90。接著以探索式因素分析及驗證性因素分析研究工具之效度,再以卡方檢定、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析比較不同背景青少年的健康素養之差異,最後使
This study validated instruments for assessing the health awareness and health literacy of adolescents and explored the related and protective factors of adolescents’ health literacy in Taiwan. A total of 1,005 representative adolescents were stratified randomly selected from Kaohsiung City, and they completed two well-structured instruments for measuring their health awareness and health literacy. First, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and internal consistency were used to examine the instruments’ validities and reliabilities. Second, chi-square test, independent t-test, and one-way analysis of variance were conducted to compare the health awareness and health literacy
levels of adolescents from different backgrounds. Finally, hierarchical regression analysis was employed to identify the relations between health knowledge, attitudes toward health, and healthy behaviors and their predictors. The initial results indicated that adolescents’ means of health attitude decreased with increasing age and improvement in grades. University students’ means of attitude
toward health and health literacy were significantly lower than those of junior high school students. Male adolescents’ scores for health awareness and health knowledge were significantly higher than those of their female counterparts. On the other hand, female adolescents’ means of health actions were significantly higher than those of their male counterparts’. Additionally, adolescents’ means of health knowledge and attitudes toward health had significant and adjusted predictive power on their health behaviors. This study demonstrated the importance of developing and implementing
situational tests and curricula and activities related to students’ everyday lives to improve their health
literacy. Finally, further discussion on methods to improve adolescents’ health actions and female adolescents’ health knowledge is warranted.