Summary: | Land snail biodiversity research in agroecosystems is limited, if non-existent. Here we investigate the land snail assemblages of olive orchards in Messara plain, Crete, Greece. Land snails were collected from 16 olive orchards. In addition, we performed a literature survey and recorded all species reported in the surrounding area. We found 18 species in the olive orchards among the 37 species found in the area and reported in the literature. <i>Xerotricha conspurcata</i> (Draparnaud, 1801) and <i>Caracollina lenticula</i> (Michaud, 1831) are reported for the first time in the study area. Their presence is probably a result of human-mediated dispersal. Olive orchards proved to be an important refuge for land snail diversity as they host 43% of the species found in the surrounding area. We highlight the importance of olive orchards as habitats with increased land snail richness. We suggest that land snails should be included in future biodiversity research in agricultural areas.