Summary: | This article is devoted to discussion of visual method of learning musical
form – the universal graphical model. This method is based on the perception
phenomenon and the concept of “a simultaneous vision of a musical piece”. In
the author’s approach, this method is realized as a graphical scheme and is being
created for each piece on the basis of mnemonic, using a device for developing memory
“mnemonic window”. The process of visualization of simultaneous image uses model
of religious icon in which the central image of a saint and small images around it
basically are a simultaneous or “compressed” representation of saint’s life. Multilevel
differentiation of a graphical model allows saving simultaneous image as a summation
of musical content and form – not only elementary musical structure consisting of two
or three small parts but large complex works as well. The technology of creation
of simultaneous image can be used both during first years of musical education and
professional practice of performing musicians, teachers, and composers. The training
of perception of simultaneous image since the beginning of musical education
promotes arbitrary learning of musical form, development of a very important musical
ability which was called “architectonic hearing” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.