Summary: | This article delivers the report of a cycle of three workshops dedicated to urban water and port city landscape, which took place in Taranto (2018), Brindisi (2019) and Bari (2021). These experiences, co-ordinated by Prof. Michael Jakob and Ing. Arch. Maria Cristina Petralla, aimed to analyse the current status and design the future of these territories, focusing on their landscape elements. The coexistence and overlapping of different spatial uses and conflicts have been investigated, between development and protection. Common elements and differences of each port city’s cultural heritage were evaluated, in order to develop a coherent landscape-oriented approach that can lay the foundations for an inclusive and resilient re-design process. After a short overview regarding the water culture and maritime mindset of each case studio and the specificities of each workshop, the article reflects on the role of participative workshops as practices enabling collaborative decision-making and fostering the recognition of the port cityscape as a driver of shared development perspective.