Summary: | Work memory and processing speed evaluated through WISC-IV as keys in the evaluation of ADHD. The cognitive processes that are measured
by the scale WISC-IV, which has most often been related to ADHD, Working Memory and Processing Speed. However, there is some controversy
concerning the existence of a cognitive profile for ADHD that is related to whether its presentation is of the inattentive type or the combined type.
The primary aim of this study was to corroborate whether there are correlations between the cognitive profile obtained through WISC-IV for our
sample. The secondary aim of this study was to determine whether that profile allows to discern between the different clinical presentations by using
a control group composed of 31 subjects and a clinical group consisting of 95 subjects diagnosed with ADHD. Compared to the control group, the
clinical group presented significantly lower results in Intelligence Quotient, Working Memory Index and Processing speed Index. Finally, the clinical
group presented scores for the General Capacity Index that were significantly higher than for the Cognitive Competency Index.